Thursday, June 16, 2011

Writing: Schomburg, Anderson


People have started behaving as if they’ve been destroyed by an asteroid. They’re sleeping on the floor like flattened fiery trees. How can I carve out an exact life from this mess of everyone in the world’s days? I cannot even seem to make a dinner with the ingredients in this cupboard in this kitchen disemboweled and on its side in this forest in central Siberia. I’ll look at anything just to avert my eyes.

- Zachary Schomburg


The new Bible won’t end

even if, in the end, we fill it

with dead insects, old photos, dust.

I’m writing

you from a yellow place, where I’m composing

a lovesong to orange.

Much as, in the original,

David wrote a lovesong to Goliath (expunged).

This is and isn’t true.

There are no oranges in the Bible.

- Erik Anderson

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