Friday, July 8, 2011

Melissa Benham, Stacy Elaine Dacheux, Noel Tendick! Monday, July 18 7pm

Smorg hosts Poetry on the Piazza!

Monday, July 18th at 7pm, Smorg is overly excited to welcome Melissa Benham (Oakland, CA) and Stacy Elaine Dacheux (Los Angeles, CA) to Portland, to read with local legend Noel Reverend Blue Sky Tendick. Sure to be a blast!

Breathe the air at Director Park and support the arts!


Cosponsored by Director Park and the Multnomah Arts Center Literary Arts Program

Director Park is located on SW Park bet. Yamhill and Taylor
(for more information visit or call 503-823-8087)


Melissa Benham currently lives by the lake in Oakland, CA with her husband, daughter, cats, and fish. Originally from New Jersey, she moved to NYC for a few raucous years, before migrating to San Francisco in 1995. At the advice of Diane di Prima, she moved to Boulder in 2001 to study at Naropa, where she auspiciously met both Stacy Elaine Dacheux and Jesse Morse. In 2003, her first book, Codeswitching was published. After moving back to San Francisco in 2004, she and Chana Morgenstern founded the Artifact Reading Series late one night upon deciding there were just too many terrifically talented young writers who didn’t know much about each other. After 6 years of directing Artifact, Melissa took a break from programming, and will eventually get around to completing her 2nd book Repronounceable one of these days. This is her first trip to Portland and is totally guilty of putting a bird on it.

Stacy Elaine Dacheux spent half her childhood outside Boston, getting beat on by tough girls. The other half was spent outside Birmingham, getting beat on by Southern Baptists. She currently lives in Los Angeles where she gets beat on by life. She writes articles for Flavorpill with Paris Lia, one of which was mentioned in The New Yorker’s Book Bench. She is also the co-founder of Slack Lust, an online magazine dedicated to cultural investigations. Other publications include: Thuggery & Grace, Versal, and Past Simple. Her short story, “The Sociology of Containers” was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

Noel Tendick tries to live up to his names, and he's gone by a few. He's gone by a few places too, looking for the edges of ground and water, water and sky, sky and the other side of light, and rarely found it hard to hold gratitude for all the being and non-being of this exacting and transcendent world.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Page Boy Celebration Saturday, June 25th

Dear Friends,

Please come out to The Waypost (3120 N. Williams Ave., PDX) Saturday, June 25th at 7.30pm to celebrate the latest issue of Seattle-based Page Boy Magazine! Readings by Thomas Walton, Sarah Galvin, Sarah Erickson and Jesse Morse. Watercolor portraits on display by Shannon Perry. And a surprise musical guest.....

Come out and support the arts!

Food, beer, wine and espresso all available at The Waypost.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Writing: Schomburg, Anderson


People have started behaving as if they’ve been destroyed by an asteroid. They’re sleeping on the floor like flattened fiery trees. How can I carve out an exact life from this mess of everyone in the world’s days? I cannot even seem to make a dinner with the ingredients in this cupboard in this kitchen disemboweled and on its side in this forest in central Siberia. I’ll look at anything just to avert my eyes.

- Zachary Schomburg


The new Bible won’t end

even if, in the end, we fill it

with dead insects, old photos, dust.

I’m writing

you from a yellow place, where I’m composing

a lovesong to orange.

Much as, in the original,

David wrote a lovesong to Goliath (expunged).

This is and isn’t true.

There are no oranges in the Bible.

- Erik Anderson

Monday, March 28, 2011

Zachary Schomburg, Richard Froude and Erik Anderson! Saturday, May 21 7.30pm

Dear friends,

Please come out to The Waypost (3120 N. Williams Ave., PDX) Saturday, May 21st for a smashing night of poetry. Local poet Zachary Schomburg will read with Coloradans Erik Anderson and Richard Froude, in town for one night only. Come out and support the arts!

Food, beer, wine and espresso all available at The Waypost.

Festivities begin at 7.30pm.

Hope to see you there!



Zachary Schomburg is the author of Scary, No Scary (Black Ocean 2009) and The Man Suit (Black Ocean 2007). He co-edits Octopus Books and Octopus Magazine. He lives in Portland, OR.

Richard Froude was born in London, grew up in Bristol and moved to the US in 2002. He is most recently the author of FABRIC, published by Horse Less Press. New writing can be found in Birkensnake, Witness, and forthcoming in Slack Lust. He lives in Denver, Colorado.

Erik Anderson's The Poetics of Trespass was published by Otis Books/Seismicity Editions in 2010. He teaches in the low-residency MFA program at Naropa University and, with Richard Froude and Anne Waldman, co-edits the magazine Thuggery & Grace.

Writing from Frey, Wayne and Maziar


The second to last train stop overlooks a metal yard

A lot of people are eating

In the movie we're graceful, less monotonous

We're not bunched up against the present

The sign at the church says heaven's got an edge

I don't want my donut

There's that picture book about the steam shovel that keeps digging

Old-fashioned nostalgia for a machine that works

My zone opens

I'll keep several appointments with a gaping zone

Then lob my machines into the cold, swollen river

Emily Kendal Frey



sounds like we’re stopping a party along its glitter track

this transcriptionist is bird shaped

behind a door of neon-like light

a cabinet of speech

it’s my new dress

patterned as a beast might

the heat comes on, the roof is a reserve

we work our way into the archive

and the particular paper adheres

to a green glow, purple text with silver thread

I walk a small circumference

where the city starts to reopen

dry notes rain down with the cottonwood

Phoebe Wayne



Come where you can hear
the traffic light change
from lime to carmine
so small
disentangle me
fly me away
what you say
many moonlit times

Paul Maziar

Monday, January 31, 2011

Emily Kendal Frey, Phoebe Wayne & Paul G. Maziar! Sunday, Feb 20th 7:30 p.m.

Dear friends,

Please come out to the Waypost at 3120 N. Williams Ave, PDX for a night of Portland poetry. Smorg is delighted to host Emily Kendal Frey, Phoebe Wayne and Paul G. Maziar, three poets that call Portland home. Festivities begin around 7:30. Come out and support the arts!

Food, beer, wine and espresso all available at the Waypost.

See you there!



Emily Kendal Frey is the author of AIRPORT (Blue Hour 2009), FRANCES (Poor Claudia 2010), and THE NEW PLANET (Mindmade Books 2010) as well as three chapbook collaborations. Her first full-length collection, THE GRIEF PERFORMANCE, was just published by Cleveland State University Poetry Center. She lives in Portland, Oregon.

Phoebe Wayne is the author of a chapbook called Lovejoy (c_L press), which is part research project, part text collage, and part reflection, all revolving around a 20th century historical drama involving some public artworks in Northwest Portland. Some of her other recent work is in the magazines Foursquare, With + Stand, and Peaches and Bats. She lives in Portland and works in the children's department of a public library.

Paul G. Maziar is a writer & poet, and bell-hop, living in Portland OR, via NYC via L.A. via Vegas. His first book, What it is: What it is, was a collaboration of his early prose works along with the typographic & photographic designs of the artist Matt Maust, published in 2008. In 2010, Paul self-published his first chapbook of poems, Last Light of Day, which is being brought out as a full-length collection by Publication Studio in Portland. Currently, he curates a monthly reading, art & music series in Portland called The Switch, and is studying under the poet Hoa Nguyen. His work has been published in ListenLight, Poets & Artists, and he's the co-creator of an ongoing poetry blog called Don’t Fog the Feelers.