Please come out to The Waypost (3120 N. Williams Ave.) Thursday, August 6th at 7:30 pm for poems and music. Smorg is pleased to host San Francisco poets Erik Noonan and Christina Fisher, and local musician Justin Ready - guitarist and lead vocalist for Portland's own Pigeons.
Festivities underway at 7:30 pm.
Food, beer, wine and espresso all available at The Waypost.
See you there!
Christina Fisher lives in San Francisco. Growing up in Florida she fell in love with the siren call of the manatee named Poetry which ushered her to the West. After a stint in Portland she came down to enroll in the now defunct Poetics Program at New College. She worked closely with poet Lawrence Fixel helping to organize his papers and as a result befriended him and his wife Justine. She's currently at work on an ongoing project involving further publication of Fixel's work and will likely never leave the city unless somebody buys her a villa on an island off Italy. Books include Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder (Red Ant Press) and Maybe, a Painter (Auguste Press).
ERIK NOONAN was born in Los Angeles in 1974. He lives in San Francisco.
Justin Ready lives in Portland, Oregon. He plays guitar and sings lead in the band Pigeons.
ERIK NOONAN was born in Los Angeles in 1974. He lives in San Francisco.
Justin Ready lives in Portland, Oregon. He plays guitar and sings lead in the band Pigeons.