Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Waypost Open Mic Nite - Thursday, December 11, 7pm

Smorg is proud to host open mic nite at The Waypost (3120 N Williams Ave.) the second Thursday of every month. December's theme: BICYCLES.

Please come out to read or perform. As Portland remains a national hub for urban bike riding, work pertaining to BICYCLES is encouraged. All work, of course, in any genre, is welcome.

Festivities underway at 7pm.

Hope to see you there.

Smorg #4

I said: "No Public Art!"
To Faulkner, of course he said: "Architecture

Coliseum jazz, at the middle is architecture
At the entrance, tabacs
buying a newspaper

In black, sat in the jazz hall
And though I said: "No Public Art!"
I put that nickel down upon the mantle
and stood at the vomitorium door
, Soundlessly smoking

Stoned, I hear the vowels more
What is broken, child?
My hand, it hurts
viz. etymological hammering
on the phrases heard
What have you hurt?
My hand, and they all were watching

--- James Yeary (from "Argos 4")

but there is a pigeon in the road too old to fly
and you cant say he is waiting for a wheel bump
or that he is waiting for a ride to the lake
like the white dove we wait
to run more like a mountain, like that sleeping man
always on that bench in the park, more and more always

we live our days wandering around waiting our death
when some hippy will come pour water to our grave
and say some heavy shit
but what if that hippy got too heavy now
like a cpr that got into your heart too far

I saw a man beating my fathers chest to breathing
beating him to life after his first death of many

and I was taken from the home by death
and went to the hospital on the lonely bus

and when the nurse came to take me from the room
I saw his heart meter plunge
and I shall never again doubt the osmosis of emotion

--- Tom Blood (from "The Act")

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tom Blood, Ah Holly Fam'ly, Galveston, Dracula inna Spaceship

Dear Friends,

Please come out to The Waypost (3120 N. Williams Ave. PDX, OR) this Friday, December 5th at 7pm for poetry and performance.

Tom Blood's the sky position won the 2007 William Stafford/Donald Hall Oregon Book Award for Poetry. If Ever Then Always, a book of romantic poems, co-written with Curtis Knapp from 1997-1999, is now also available from Marriage Records Press. Praise for Blood's the sky position: "In his author's note, Tom Blood avers that these remarkable poems "were written while staring out a window." Clearly, if ever there was a magic casement, it is Blood's. Here, perception becomes a beautiful act of absolute sympathy and attention a continuous evidence of perfect compassion. Never once does Blood diminish or deform his subjects. Rather, he puts his syntax and his self entirely at the service of their well-beloved motion. These are poems for the world, in all its wildness, in all its nearness."
-Donald Revell

Ah Holly Fam'ly 7 or 8 piece Stoner-Calypso Featuring members of Saw Whet, Ohioan, and Au. Their CD "Your Body will Become an Anchor" is occasionally available.

Galveston NW-centered folk influenced by Ecuadorian Black Metal

Dracula inna Spaceship
Circuit-bent dub + poetry. Mixture of homemade electronics and literature.

Festivities underway at 7pm. These acts have been procured by the indefatigable local poet James Yeary, who leaves shortly thereafter for Alaska. Please come out and support the arts!

Food, beer, wine and espresso all available at The Waypost.



P.S. The Waypost's open mike, hosted by Smorg, occurs the second Thursday of every month. December 11th. December's theme = Bicycles.